Covid-19 Or Not RL Jones COC Is Still Here For You

Since March 2020 the coronavirus has broken out and effected 1.29 Million people in the US. Over 75,000 of those cases resulted in lost lives. As of March 8th, 2020 the unemployment rate in the US has reached an all-time high of 14.7% and climbing. The entire country is quarantined and only essential services are open to the public. Everyone else is either closed or working from home.

This has not stopped the RL Jones COC from normal operations, however, as we have not only continued to provide the services we’ve provided before this crisis but we now offer even more. Servicing 200+ families per day and still open for food, clothes, clean water and all of the other services we were originally providing. We do practice safe distancing, we wear masks and gloves. Some of us even wear full body suites but bottom line is we continue to provide service to the public. This is what we are here for!

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